Frequently Asked Questions


How and what do you decide to publish?

We give preference to creative and original manuscripts; such submissions contain engaging and unique theses as well as compelling and coherent argument methodologies. The proper structure of such a paper contains an analysis of primary sources as well as a discussion of relevant scholarly contentions. For more information on our publication standards, please consult our Submission Guidelines.

How can I support the Journal?

How often do you publish the Journal?

We publish no less than six articles, twice a year: once in the fall/winter and once in the spring/summer.



Can I submit after the deadline?

The Journal will consider submissions after the deadline under extenuating circumstances.

Does the author have to be an undergraduate?

Yes. However, we accept submissions from authors who have graduated no more than 12 months prior to submission.

How long should my submission be?

We often publish papers that are between 2,000 and 7,000 words (10-30 pages), not including citations or bibliography.

I am an undergraduate student that does not attend the University of Virginia. Can I still submit?

We welcome submissions from undergraduates attending colleges and universities across the United States. We also accept submissions from international students.

I am not majoring in Women’s Studies, can I still submit?

As long as your publication meets the Submission Guidelines, submit it!